ALL OF ONE FAMILY. Three Prominent Men Descended From Roger Sherman.

"William M. Evarts, the polished, urbane, witty New Yorker; George Frisbie Hoar, the sharp, petulant, bright, nagging New Englander; John Sherman, the unostentatious, but persistent Westerner. But behind all these mannerisms we see the [Roger] Sherman imprint upon the mind of each. If one of them becomes President, it will be all in the family."

[The Shermans] Have Ruled America, by Dr. B. J. Cigrand

"The Sherman people have been earnest supporters of the Union: from the famous Roger down we find them loyally upholding the principles of their distinguished forefathers. In the village boards, the aldermanic councils, the list of mayors, the roll of Governors, the roster of Generals, and roll-call of House and Senate, the name Sherman is ever present."

Interesting Historical Paper Read by Judge Baldwin Last Night.

"[Roger] Sherman's parents were English people of the lower class and he can be said to have sprung from what is described as the common people. He had not the same confidence in the people that they reposed in him. He was an effective speaker whose power of debate lay in his never taking the floor unless he had something new to offer. Justice was his great forte and he was a lover of the truth."

Character Sketch of Roger Sherman, by William Pierce

“Roger Sherman exhibits the oddest shaped character I ever remember to have met with. He is awkward, un-meaning, and unaccountably strange in his manner. But in his train of thinking there is something regular, deep and comprehensive; yet the oddity of his address, the vulgarisms that accompany his public speaking, and that strange New England cant which runs through his public as well as his private speaking make everything that is connected with him grotesque and laughable;–and yet he deserves infinite praise,–no Man has a better Heart or a clearer Head."