Professional photographer finds iPhone a fun way to capture a moment, by Pamela McLoughlin

"In the exhibit, 'Iphoneography,' local photographer Mike Ross captured an image of the perfectly waving American flag against a blue sky when he ran to Home Depot. One of the pictures in his show is of an interesting parking booth key hanging board that he spotted while doing a job at Union League Cafe. Another is the cool shadow of his grandmother coming back from church in New Haven, along with the shadow of a cat she feeds. There is a picture of an ice cream truck driver on his cellphone that Ross took while walking his dog in East Rock Park. Also featured in the display are a person walking with balloons, an old car covered in overgrown weeds, the shins and feet of a sitting young child wearing Crocs, a person dancing, birds flying over Atlantic City, a shopping cart sign he spotted while at Walmart. 'The iPhone is awesome,' Ross said."